Friday, January 30, 2015

Today's FMF Prompt - WAIT


WAIT. What for? Wait till you read this all. Today's writing prompt for Five Minute Friday is the word, wait.

What does the word, wait, remind me? What does it say? It reminds me to remain patient. It says, I'll see something good if I remain patient.

At times when you think negatively, God says to wait. He says, just wait and see. He says keep patient and you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel.

So, isn't it worth to wait? It sure is. Wait and you'll become worth your weight in gold. Who knows!

Some people take this in another sense. They want to sleep and not wake up when you try to wake them up. They'll also say WAIT. They mean, they want to sleep some more.

But, they don't have to say the word, when they hit the snooze button on their alarm clock, they actually mean -- WAIT.

Wait also means to wait for someone to come. You also wait in a queue. You also wait for results after you're done your best about something. The traffic signals also mean WAIT. This is where you have to wait or you pay the price. If you don't wait, you may have an accident, or you have to pay up the fine.

You also wait for the sun to rise every day. You wait for the bus or train to arrive. You wait for the right opportunity.

You wait for the good things to happen in your life. Again, God says, just wait and see. Have some patience.


Saturday, January 24, 2015

Today's FMF Prompt - SHARE

I missed writing the Five Minute Friday post this Friday, so writing it a day later -- on a Saturday. This time, I'm not going by the five minute rule, but writing openly whatever comes to my mind, about the prompt. This time the prompt was the word SHARE. So, let's start.


What does share remind me?

Sharing is caring, market shares which I hardly know anything about, and also a Lion because the word share sounds similar to Sher which in Hindi, means Lion.

A lion can be connected to sharing too. When you share with an open heart, you're frank and free of any guilt and other negative feelings.

You're truthful, so you walk like a Lion -- bold and confident, with chin up.

But share, or sharing means a lot more.

When you're very young, a child, you share everything with your parents.

When you have friends with other kids, you share your secrets with them more than with your parents.

Later, when you come of age, fall in love or marry, you share with your lover or spouse.

Then, when you have kids yourself, though you may not share all with your kids, but you certainly share the love.

What happened in all this time? Sharing changed from one to the other, and so love changed from one to the other. Your focus changed and so love changed too.

Few people are friends for life and they keep sharing.

The day sharing stops and you start feeling doubts for others, is the day the downfall starts.

So keep sharing because, sharing certainly is caring.

Photo Credit: pictoquotes, wikimedia, pat_mcdonald -- in that order

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Today's FMF Post - SEND

Send, what does send remind me? A send button I'e seen on many sites. But what I saw on Kate's site was a letter with the word send written on it, so it reminded me to send a letter.

In today's world we send emails, almost daily.

Send also means to give away to others. Give what you have, share it with others. Send it to others.

Send your messages, your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions, your good wishes to others, love, help but not your money. :-)

But, think before you send anything. If they're email messages and letters, read again before you hit the send key or post the letter. Read and think whether there's anything in the email and letters with which others may feel hurt or is there anything negative in them. If not, go ahead and send.

You can also send gifts to your friends and loved ones, even if it's something small. And, send it with love and warm wishes.

That's all I could write on today;s five minute friday prompt. Will write more next time.

Photo Credits: morton1905, yourdon, pictoquotes, juliekintaiwan, inertia_tw, warmnfuzzy, storm-crypt -- in that order.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

First FMF Prompt of 2015 - WELCOME


Belcome. That's what I tweeted to someone who thanked me for wishing her for her birthday. And, a little while later, I found out that this was the prompt at today's Five Minute Friday Party.

I started thinking, why does one reply with the word welcome, when someone thanks us? Does it mean, they're welcome to thank us again? I'm not sure how this thing started.

Well, this word is also written on the doors in many homes. But, strange thing is they keep the doors shut and put this word on it. Does it not look strange to you? Maybe if they kept it open and then wrote it, the thieves would think they're welcome to enter the house at any time.

Oh, well, it's already five minutes and that's all I could write today. Will write more, next time. Thanks for reading.


Photo Credit: Flood G. (via Flickr)